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Installation Wall Panels PVC

Installation of Wall Panels PVC

How does it work?

Here's a step-by-step guide to fixing the PVC brick panel to the wall:

Prepare the Wall:
Ensure the wall surface is clean, degreased, dry, and free from dust or debris. This will help the panel adhere properly.

Measure and Mark:
Use a tape measure to determine the desired position for the PVC brick panel on the wall. Mark the positions where panels and adhesive are placed to secure the panel. Use a pencil and spirit level to ensure accurate markings.

Cut the Panel (if needed):
If the PVC brick panel needs to be trimmed to fit the wall space, use a snap-off knife to cut it to the required size. Be sure to measure accurately before cutting. Measure twice, cut once!

Apply Adhesive (if using):
If you're using adhesive to attach the panel, apply a generous amount to the back, following the manufacturer's instructions. Spread the adhesive evenly to ensure proper adhesion.

Position the Panel:
Carefully position the PVC brick panel against the wall, aligning it with the markings you made earlier, or the previous panel. Use a spirit level to ensure the panel is straight and level.

Finishing Touches:

Remove any excess adhesive or debris around the edges once the panel is securely attached to the wall. Use a damp cloth to clean the surface of the panel if needed.

Allow Time to Set:
If you used adhesive, allow sufficient time for drying and setting according to the manufacturer's instructions before applying any additional weight or pressure to the panel.

By following these steps carefully, you should be able to successfully fix the PVC brick panel to the wall, creating a durable and visually appealing finish. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.

Fix the panels on SOLVENT-FREE adhesive: Penosil, Bostik, Den Braven, Instant Nails, Hard as Nails, No Nonsense Grab, Gripfill mounting adhesive. One tube is sufficient for attaching 5 m2 of panels.

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